Friday, 26 December 2014

Blogmas Day 25. Christmas Day

Its Christmas (yesterday)!!! Today has been so busy but its also been nice to be able to finally relax a bit and take a break from all of the work I've been doing lately for school and keeping up with Blogmas.

I've loved doing Blogmas this year but I must admit it got pretty hard to post on time everyday (thank goodness for scheduled posts), so some were a bit later than origionally planned :/ oops

For me the message I was trying to put across in Blogmas was that during winter, you shouldn't have to suffer because of the cold, dark days, you should embrace them and use them to benefit you. I hope you found them useful (maybe not all but hopefully some helped you).

I am going to be doing posts more often than before now: probably around every 1-2 weeks depending on what's currently happening and how busy I am.

Many people think Christmas is over once all of the presents are opened... But for me that's when all of the fun starts. You get to properly find out what you have got, what it does/how to use it. I will do a separate post on what I got for Christmas if anyone wants. Family comes round. The best bit for me though is the food!!! Christmas dinner is the thing I look forward to the most. My mam makes the best Christmas dinner ever (Ok, I may be being a bit bias but it's the best I've ever tried ;))

After dinner is finished we all settle down in the living room to watch the Queen's speech. Then we usually watch a Christmas film on tv, but this year we had already watched the ones that were on, a few days earlier, so we watched Frozen instead.

What do you usually do on Christmas day?
Hope you had a great Christmas.
Fiona xx

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Blogmas Day 24. Nights at Home (Christmas Eve)

Its Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!

As I'm sure you have noticed, I keep going on about my idea of a perfect Christmassy night and you are probably wondering what I mean.

This is the post where all will be explained.

For me a perfect Christmassy night would look like this:
My house doesn't look like the picture above but it does show the main features of the 'perfect' Christmassy night:
  • A nicely decorated tree (with lights on)
  • Presents under the tree
  • Candles
  • Christmas decorations
  • Stockings out
  • Fire on (this doesn't happen at our house; we don't want Santa to burn his bottom ;))
  • Snow outside (didn't happen this year :()
Add a person with pyjamas on, with cosy socks and a blanket and it would be perfect.

Are you excited for Santa coming tonight?
Fiona xx

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Blogmas Day 23. Make Up

As I have already said a million times this Blogmas, winter can dry your skin out loads!!! So its always best to wear make up (if you do) with moisturiser already built in, to prevent any dryness on your face which can be very painful if it gets too bad.

Bold red lips and subtle cat eye. Such a classic look that you can never go wrong with
Eyes and lips can be the most sensitive areas on your face so you need to be extra careful with these areas. I put a very small amount of un-fragranced moisturiser at the very edge of my eye (where the wing of eyeliner goes). This just stops the skin around my eye hurting (it might just be me who has this problem). For my lips I put lip balm on just before I go out or just before bed for really soft lips in the morning (see post).

I also find that around the edges of my nose can be quite dry so I put the same moisturiser mentioned earlier to sort this out. (Again its probably only me with this problem).

As always the key to perfect looking make up is: blend, blend, blend.
However this is more important in winter because your skin will be paler. If you tanned a lot in Summer, you might have to buy new make up shades for winter to suit your new skin tone. If the change isn't too drastic you might get away with it but you might also have to mix to shades to get your perfect colour.

Lots of people have ideal winter looks but for me this is it---->
A very natural, yet sunning look. The bold lips and eyeliner are perfect!

Berry coloured lips always look great in winter. With lipsticks and lip glosses always try to go for colours with a blue undertone/hint of a bluey colour because these colours will make your teeth look whiter than other colours (generally).

Do any of you have the same skin/make up problems as me?
Fiona xx

Monday, 22 December 2014

Blogmas Day 22. Wrapped Up

Hats scarves and gloves are often associated with children. Although teenagers and adults can use them to keep warm too (often in a more fashionable way).

A lot of the time, your outfits might look like they need a little something extra (I know mine do) but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. When its cold try adding a scarf/hat/some gloves to bring the outfit together and take it to a whole new level.

When it gets to December you will often find me grabbing some (a scarf at least), while heading out the door to meet up with friends, go shopping, etc.

There are so many great sets out there that could turn your wardrobe into something amazing! All three are mainly sold separately so it gives you the freedom to buy exactly what you want and the patterns/colours it/they are.

Christmas shopping is a great time to get some for yourself. Even if Christmas is only a few days away, you can never have too many hats, scarves and gloves.

After all, in winter, our primary concern should be warmth.
Fiona xx

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Blogmas Day 21. Christmas Films

Only 4 days til Christmas!!! Which means that films and Christmas programmes are already making their way on to our TVs. This includes old and new Christmas films.

At our house we have a few Christmas films (Elf, Arthur Christmas, The Santa Clause movie, The Santa Clause) but in previous years it seemed like we had loads because of how many good films were available on TV.

Films of any sort (not just Christmas ones) are good because they bring happiness and joy to the whole family. They seem to have the power to make you laugh, cry and most importantly, enjoy themselves. The Harry Potter series is being shown over Christmas and I won't be missing that! :)

This year Arthur Christmas has been my favourite Christmas film, closely followed by Elf. This is because it is a relatively new one (released in 2011) and I haven't watched it as much as I've watched Elf.

I really enjoy these days in the lead up to Christmas.
What is your favourite Christmas film this year?
Fiona xx

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Blogmas Day 20. Cotton Wool Pads


I've used the Superdrug cotton wool round pads for a while now and they are amazing.

They are great in winter because it helps to maximise the amount of moisture your face gets because you aren't using your fingers. It also means you don't have to wash your hands after every product you use because you can just dispose of the pads in the bin after one use.

By using pads it help to keep your skin clear, clean and as soft as possible.

There are many uses for them, for example: removing nail varnish, applying cleanser, toner, moisturiser and many more.

Fiona xx

Friday, 19 December 2014

Blogmas Day 19. Christmas Pyjamas

Pyjamas keep you warm on cold nights and add comfort to help you get a better nights sleep too. There are many styles of pyjamas such as short sleeved, long sleeved, onesies, shorts, long trousers. Meaning that everyone can wear exactly what they want and feel comfortable wearing it.


Christmas pyjamas are also a great way to show your festive spirit in the comfort of your own home. Many people can't wear Christmas clothes because of work/school and other people don't like to, so pyjamas are the perfect way to get in the Christmas mood.

Lots of pyjamas at this time of year are wooly so they will keep you cosy when the night temperatures get below 0°C.

Fiona xx

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Blogmas Day 18. Keep it Cool

I might sound crazy by saying this, but you're going to have to trust me.

By taking cooler showers in winter, it helps to keep your skin smoother and its healthier for you and your skin.
I don't mean you have to have a freezing shower, just a cool one.

As well as the points mentioned in the picture above, a cold(er) shower will also help you to warm up gently and you won't get that burning sensation in your feet after a cold day.

Fiona xx

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Blogmas Day 17. Protect your Hands

Skin can become very dry in winter (I feel like I've wrote that so many times this month). See posts: 2, 3, 5, 8, 14.

Hands suffer a lot more than the rest of your skin because you are using them for everything you do. Just by washing your hands can dry them out.

By using hand cream frequently (I must admit I don't really like using it a lot) it keeps your hands lovely and soft and also helps your hands to repair quicker if they do become cracked.

The cold weather can make your hands dry and cracked resulting in painful skin. This can be avoided if the correct methods are used.

Its often best to use un-scented/un-fragranced hand creams while your skin is cracked because fragranced/scented handcreams sting if they get in cuts but un-fragranced ones don't (as much).

Do you use hand creams? If so which ones do you like best?
Fiona xx

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Blogmas Day 16. Layer Up

Layers. They are so important and help keep us warm throughout winter.

Being fashionable is still possible when wearing layers and its a great difference to summer, when you would probably only wear one layer.

Mixing up your wardrobe and look can be so easy and fun to do. Its a change that is so simple to make, especially at this time of year.

Winter can often be a sad time with lots of illness but Christmas is a time for joy and making your life more colourful. Clothes can be the perfect way to express yourself and show your personality.

By wearing layers you can mix many colours (sometimes patterns) and brighten up your day.

Wearing layers doesn't necessarily mean wearing a vest under all of your outfits. It can mean wearing a light top, with a jumper/cardigain and a lovely warm coat over the top.

In winter do you 'layer up'?
Do you have any winter clothing tips or your own?
Fiona xx

Monday, 15 December 2014

Blogmas Day 15. Reading a Good Book

It is always good to read, but it always seems to be more enjoyable in winter for some reason. This could be because of the cold eveningd when you snuggle up in a warm cosy blanket or just because you have less work to do and it helps to pass the time. I don't know...

It doesn't necessarily have to be a book. Magazines, blogs ;) and newspapers are brilliant too. Basically I find that reading anything in winter is really enjoyable. As well as helping you to relax into the wonderful holiday that is Christmas.

Confessions of a Shopaholic

Lately I have been reading the Shopoholic series by Sophie Kinsella. She is an amzing writer and I have loved loads of her books so far, so I'm sure I'll be loving this series just as much (if not more).

It all started after I watched the Confessions of a Shopoholic film and loved it. I am only on the first book at the moment and I don't want to spoil it for anyone who wants to read them, so all I will say is:

This series of books follows the adventures of a Shopoholic in different situations and staged in her life.

What books are you enjoying at the moment?
Fiona xx

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Blogmas Day 14. Face Masks

I love face masks!!!
Often, I will try different ones out 1-2 times a week. I usually go for the peel off masks as you can apply, then leave them, do something else, peel it off hastle free. I don't really like having to rubbed a face mask of or soak it off, and I know it's only about 10 minutes but it seems like it takes forever.
In winter peel off face masks (as well as other skin treating products) can be very drying or harsh to your (more than usual) sensitive skin. The other day I was in Superdrug and saw these face masks:   

They are so easy to use. You simply open the packet, open out the mask, place it on your face, flatten it to fit your face, wait around 5 mins and then remove the mask to rub in any of the left over residue. There is no washing or water involved in this but it still leaves your face feeling really fresh and full of life
Also at the moment Superdrug have a 3 for 2 offer on selected face masks.
I am going to be trying out some of the other 'fabric' masks at some point this winter. Do you have any recommended masks you like to use?
Fiona xx    

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Blogmas Day 13. Comfy Boots

I still haven't been able to find my perfect pair of winter boots this year. Does anyone have any suggestions of where to look? I've tried a few styles and colours but so far none of them have suited me and fitted me! :(
For me, comfy boots will make your life a whole lot easier in these cold months. These boots should be able to go with almost any outfit, and fit perfectly. Once you find the ideal boots, wear them any time, any where.
They really will make your life simpler (adding style and warmth and grip).
For me ideal boots would look good, protect your feet, be warm and fit perfectly.
What do you look for in boots?
Fiona xx

Friday, 12 December 2014

Blogmas Day 12. Christmas Jumper Day and Finally in the Festive Spirit

Today is the official Christmas Jumper Day organised by Save the Children. It's simply a day where many schools/work places encourage their pupils/employees to wear a Christmas jumper and donate to Save the Children. Visit their website for more info:
Did you do anything for it?
This has been the week where I finally feel like it's coming up to Christmas! My whole house is decorated now, although my bedroom still isn't :( I'm having it decorated once I break up from school :D
Everywhere seems to be filled with Christmas now, everywhere you turn there are lights, tinsel or decorations. I love this time of year. Even though it's really cold, it's so warm and loving. Everyone is so close and you get a real feel of family and friends.

Are you in the Festive Spirit yet? 
Fiona xx

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Blogmas Day 11. Get your Summer Glow Back

Just because the weather is cold now, it doesn't mean that your tan should suffer because of it. You can still get your gorgeous summer glow in winter.
To do this I use Dove summer glow body lotion for fair/medium skin. (Medium/dark is also available)
You apply this just like you would with any other moisturiser, making sure you have put on a thin even layer. I use this all year round, mainly on my legs which get hardly any Sun. Personally I put slightly less on my knees and around my ankles because they often go darker than rest of my legs.

Make sure you don't just stop at your ankles/knees and other visible parts of your body because it leaves a darker mark and you can clearly see where the tan is. It can create a really nice, natural-looking tan if left to dry fully before putting on clothes.

I don't apply it everyday because I have really fair skin so it looks dark on my skin if I have more than one layer one. Once or twice a week seems to be fine for my skin. Also be wary with sensitive skin/if you have just shaved because your skin can react badly with the tanning parts of the lotion.

Bring out your winter glow this year
Fiona xx

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Blogmas Day 10. Comfy Clothes

Winter and its weather can often constrict us in the clothes we can wear, so we shouldn't let our clothes constrict us in what we can do. Comfy clothes are the key here. Especially with the cold weather (and snow, now!) It is important for us to stay active and warm.

When I'm going out I usually wear jeans and a jumper with a scarf or a dress with some warm tights (see post here) and a scarf. I would also wear a warm coat, boots
and some gloves, depending on the weather.

When I'm just staying at home I prefer to wear and oversized jumper with jeans/leggings with cosy socks (see post here). Also if I was watching a film/sitting still for a long time, I would have a blanket to keep me warm. 

This makes sure that I am warm but also comfy at most (if not all) times in winter.
Do you do anything similar?
Fiona xx

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Blogmas Day 9. Candles

I have always loved candles from a very young age. They mesmerised me and they always seemed to bring joy (whether at a birthday or at Christmas). Now I use candles more frequently. Last year I got a candle holder for Christmas that spun round when the candle was lit. It had hearts that hung from the top of it. When lit it creates a wonderful pattern on the walls.

At winter candles make your house feel warm and inviting. They also bring a sense of closeness with the people around you. If needed they also help to set the mood.

Scented ones can bring a lovely aroma to the house and even unscented ones smell nice (especially when blown out).  Different colours as well as scents are available, so you can customise your candle collection to suit the room.

I have been loving putting a couple of candles on and curling up on the sofa with a big blanket to watch a film in the evenings.
Fiona xx

Monday, 8 December 2014

Blogmas Day 8. Keeping Skin Looking Fresh

During winter your skin can often become very dry and sometimes start to crack. This can be very painful and also unappealing. This happens because your skin has become dehydrated and to solve this it needs to be re-hydrated. In summer your skin would usually do this naturally but it needs a bit of extra help in winter.

Moisturiser does this. It gives your skin that bit of extra moisture needed to survive the cold winter. At the moment I am using the 'Kind to skin hydrating moisturiser' from Simple. I love it. This is one of the only non-perfumed/fragranced moisturisers I like, which is also suitable to sensitive skin. Simple always have great products for sensitive skin. Often in winter it is advised to have products suitable for sensitive skin because it can become more sensitive as it gets damaged by the wind and rain.

I find that after spending a lot of time outside in the cold it is good to apply a thin layer of moisturiser and let it sink in to bring your skin back to looking its best.
Look after your skin
Fiona xx 

Posted via Blogaway

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Blogmas Day 7. Cosy Socks

It's the 7th day of Blogmas!!! I can't believe it's already a week in.
Socks are brilliant when it's cold. Especially the Primark 'Cosy Socks'. They are sooo fluffy and soft and really cosy. At the moment I only have 3 pairs of them but I've been on the look out for more. Primark have so many patterns/designs to choose from (There really is something for everyone). I'm hoping I will be receiving some more for Christmas because I'm in love with them and want to try out some other designs.
The picture below is from a tweet I found the other day. I retweeted it on my  Twitter page and it shows just a handful of the variety that Primark offer.
You can get ones with grippy bits on the bottom to stop you slipping over. It's always a main concern for me when I wear socks as I don't want to slip over and hurt/embarrass myself. Although it does take some of the fun out of laminate floors. :/ Most of the socks are colourful and don't have the grips on the bottom.
That's what makes them so fun.
Stay cosy
Fiona xx

Posted via Blogaway

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Blogmas Day 6. Tissues

Tissues. There are a million uses for them. They save our noses and sometimes our dignity. Spills are easily cleared up and germs and colds aren't spread as easily.
The reason that tissues have made it into my top 25 winter essentials is that they are small but have a lot of uses.

A packet of tissues is simple to pop in your bag and won't take up lots of room, even in a small bag. Uses can range from a runny rose to clearing up.

Also they don't have to be boring! Many designs on tissue packets/boxes are fun, cute and interesting. You can also get tissues with aloe vera (to help soothe a sore nose), scents and different textures.

Look after your noses this winter
Fiona xx

Friday, 5 December 2014

Blogmas Day 5. Lip Care

I don't know about you but my lips are always the first things that I notice being affected by the cold weather. I always try to make sure they don't get too chapped or split by putting on lip balm before I go to bed on cold nights. However it doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes I have to resort to a quicker more effective method: blistex. Visit their website:


It doesn't really have the most appealing name, smell or taste but it works wonders. After having a thin layer on for the night, you wake up and your lips feel almost as if it is summer again (will depend on how bad the chapped lips were to begin with).

I'm sorry that this is only a very short post but I was having some technical difficulties (the app I use to write the posts on wasn't working). I only got about 15 minutes to write it.

This is the way that I look after my lips in winter, how do you look after yours? Leave your method in the comments below and I will look through them.

Hope you are enjoying this Blogmas so far
Fiona xx

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Blogmas Day 4. Jumpers (Christmas)

Jumpers are a life saver in winter, they keep you warm but you don't necessarily have to ditch your style when wearing one. There are loads of cute and flattering jumper designs out there, some of my favourites are from New Look, Next, and Primark. 
This is just one of the cool Christmas jumpers I have found so far:

At the moment I love oversized jumpers as well as fitted ones because it gives you a warm, cosy and comfortable look.
At the moment we can get away with fairly thin jumpers but in a few weeks (if not next week) I'm almost certain we will have to bring out ones which are a lot thicker as the frosts come and the weather gets colder.
Stay warm and stylish

Fiona xx

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Blogmas Day 3. Healthy Eating (Part 2)

Yesterday I wrote a post about how by eating certain foods you can reduce the problems your skin causes you. This included dry and dull skin, read it here.
I hope you enjoy reading about the next 3 common skin problems and the solutions I have found for them.
Problem: Pale and Brittle skin
Solution:Eat brazil nuts (if allergic you can eat turkey(perfect for the time of year), lean beef, chicken or eggs)
Brazil nuts have a high selenium content, which had been shown to reduce sun damage and improve the youthful elasticity of your skin. This antioxidant material is high in brazil nuts and the other foods listed above.
Recommended to eat 1 or 2 times a day.
Problem:Chapped skin
Solution: You need more Vitamin B in your diet.
You can get Vitamin B from brown rice and dark green vegetables (especially broccoli and kale).
Recommended to eat with your lunch or dinner everyday.

Solution: Less comfort eating and more Vitamin E
If you comfort eat a lot and your skin is quite spotty, it is probably because you are getting too much sugar. Sugar and sweet things can stimulate the production of a male hormone androgen which can cause acne in women. It has also been proven to accelerate collagen damage, so it really is an ingredient you want to reduce in you diet this winter.

Blend one large handful of blueberries, half a mango and half an avocado for their Vitamin E and skin smoothing properties. A good winter face mask is a mashed up avocado, it includes lots of Vitamin E and when directly applied to the face it nourishes the skin.

Kiwi, papaya and pineapple are available in supermarkets and include good exfoliating fruit acids. This can be directly applied to your face and washed off after 10 minutes. An even easier method that you don't even have to wash off is to rub coconut oil onto sore patches of skin. Coconut oil is high in lauric acid which is very similar to your skins natural oils.

I hope you found all of these suggestions helpful.

Fiona xx 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Blogmas Day 2. Healthy Eating (Part 1)

Skin can often be left looking dull in winter but by eating some of these super foods, you can bring back your summer glow. There can be many problems with your skin in the cold months but with a few changes to what you eat they can be gone forever!
Problem:Eczema prone/dry skin
Solution: Eat more oily fish

They are full of essential fatty acids that help to reduce water loss in your skin meaning they help maintain moisture. Some fish (like salmon and mackerel) also have anti-inflammatory properties so your skin won't get sore because of eczema.
Recommended to eat 3 times a week.

Problem:Dull/Tired skin
Solution: You need more Vitamin E and D
Many face creams include Vitamin E but one of the best ways to get it is by eating it. Experts say that yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, sweet potato, mango and peppers (orange and yellow ones) all contain carotenoids, antioxidants that the body converts to Vitamin E and nourish the layers of skin under the surface.
Also treat yourself to some blueberries, black berries and black grapes. These contain a pigment that has been found to strengthen collagen fibres, resulting in firmer, healthier and more radiant skin.
Recommended to eat 2 potions a day.
Usually we get 90% of our Vitamin D from the sunlight but now that the days are shorter and darker, the sun isn't out as much. Around 47% of us suffer with low energy levels during this time of year because of it. Tiredness can be reflected in your skin. It is so important to eat the right kinds of foods. To get Vitamin D you can eat oily fish (again), egg yolks, liver and wild mushrooms to increase the amount of Vitamin D you get.
Recommended to eat 1 every day.
Come back tomorrow for part 2 with more winter skin problems and solutions.
Fiona xx