Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Plans for December

I know I have only just started posting again from a half year break (this week actually). Sorry about that! It was one thing after another on top of writers block but I'm not going to waste your time by listing loads of excuses.
I've really missed writing on this blog and my other one  ( so to make up for the lack of content produced this yea I've decided to post everyday in December in the lead up to Christmas. Blogmas!!!
However I won't be writing about what I do everyday because: life isn't that interesting
2. I wouldn't do something worthy of writing about each day
3. It would be super boring for you to read
Instead I will be writing about my top 24 beauty/keeping warm/Christmas favourites. I will tell you a bit about why they are necessary at this time of year (sort of like reviews but hopefully more interesting and helpful in keeping you warm and beautiful this winter).
Sorry to the people who live in warm countries/extremely cold countries. These 'essentials' are mainly for people living in the UK and other countries with similar climates.
Thanks, hopes you enjoy them xx

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Monday, 24 November 2014

Anti-Bullying week

Anti Bullying week happens every year around about the same time. This year it was last week (17/11/14-20/11/14). This is a week where many schools plan to target bullying and help their pupils to understand what bullying actually involves, what to do if they are being bullied, how to help people who are being bullied. Many schools encourage their pupils to wear blue for the day (non-school uniform day)-as it is the official anti bullying colour-and to bring money in to raise awareness.
I'm not sure if this happens in other countries, but I hope this post will help you if you are being bullied or have been involved with bullying in the past. If you would like to talk to me about anything in this post you can comment below or email me at (other contact info in the section above). Even if it doesn't help you should know you aren't alone, and there is people who can help and people you can talk to. Never suffer in silence.

What is bullying?
Bullying is an unkind act towards someone. This act isn't just once! It's Several Times On Purpose and it should STOP. It doesn't make anyone feel good and causes people to be upset because of someone else's ignorance.

If you are being bullied:
Tell someone
Write it down
Visit any of the websites listed on this website

How to help someone who is being bullied:
Talk to them, make sure they know there is someone they can trust and talk to.
Try to include them wherever possible.  

Hope this is helpful, I wanted to outline the options and answers to the questions rather than write a huge essay on each. Visit this website to get the details for good anti bullying websites and organisations.
Please respect each other and be considerate. We can stop bullying if we work together.

Thanks xx

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