Sunday, 19 April 2015


We've been back at school for a whole week now and already I'm snowed under with homework! But... I had a great two weeks off and I wanted to share some of what I got up to with you.
Easter is one of my favourite times of year. The flowers are starting to come out, the trees are getting leaves on them and the world looks like its waking up.
In most families their Easter is filled with chocolate and egg hunts but in ours we get some chocolate but my mam always gives us a couple of presents too. This is what I got this year:
A cute notebook with a difference - it has sticky notes inside as well as paper to write on.

A collection of chocolate.
A jar of sweets - me, my brother and my sister got one each.
My parents went away this Easter for a conference so I stayed at my sister's. We had tonnes of fun from baking funny Minion cakes and gorgeous brownies to watching Bradley Cooper in The Hangover trilogy. <3
The Hangover trilogy is amazingly hilarious and the cakes and brownies were delicious!!!
I would definitely recommend all three.
Over these past three weeks I have been really busy with revision (something which I'll have to get used to over the next few years) and moving about a lot between my sister's and my parent's houses. However, I did manage to squeeze a day in to go to the Metro centre and buy some new clothes for spring and summer-as well as my birthday.
What did you do this Easter?
Fiona xx